sgt33 lama x update blog ni..haih..mcm2 happens in this short while...
1) i got a result tht wil change my entire life..I GOT TRANSFERED TO MELAKA!! (which suppose to b a happy news for me las n early tis year...) but now, seems it changed..sejak my husband staying with me.. :( n i started to get along with the teachers here...tis gonna changed the entire of my life career..(even i hope tht i won't b a teacher forever) smp umo 60 thn..kejadahnya..??!! haish~~ but, tis wht i always pray to Allah i want to be nearer with my parents..wanna take care of them till my entire life...alhamdulillah~~ He still loves me n heard all my call mak, she really happy with the news (which tht the only thing i want to know about them) even hati aku mcm in the middle tp my parent's feeling is the most important...ckgu2 kat sekola tu perli2 ckp muke aku berseri-seri dpt pindah la ape la..dlm ati xde sapa yg tau (T_T)... adoiyai...
2) another dilemma for both of us...where r we goin to stay???? haaa ni 1 lg BIG q's mark yg berlegar2 dlm fikiran..xkn nk dok kat bilik umah mak yang sempot tu...brg dak daud je dah half of the room...d only place i could stay kat rumah yg baru nak wat kt sg rambai tu (mmg mak soh dok sana pun,...) korg tau x sg rambai tu katne??? kampung tu...OMG!!??? stgh jam utk ke pasaraya besar (hypermarkets like tesco n jusco)oh no!! dgn dikelilingi pokok sawit??!! (not again....) dak daud plk kn set up an office...da jnj ngn mak kalau balik melaka ktorg akan buka 1 ofis utk dia buat kj2 studio n soo on... hmmm...
3) i got my very 1st maternity blouse from my husband!!! hahaha m thinkin of a maxi dress..lbh sng nak ke toilet n sarung 1 bj dah dia berkenan sgt kat blouse tu..layannnn kan je..duit dia kan..hihi tp hangin sket kat cashier jusco tu..blh plk dia mara staff without ignoring customers yg tgh q pjg..ada ke patut????
4) today we went 4 ur 2nd check up n d las one here :( gonna miss DR Jamiah n her clinics... pasni kn carik gynae pompuan kat mlk plk...adoiyai..n d most painful things happens during my pregnancy kn COCOK!!! adushhhh sakitnya...huhuhu smp skrg ni skt x bley ok la g private at least dr aku ni buat gentle sket compare dgn nurses kat govt..kot la...demi mu permata hatiku..ku sanggup berkorban..(can't imagine ape lg kesakitan yg bakal ku harungi..sob..sob..)
5) and today 11/11/11 cantikkan tarikh tarikh kawen ktorg 1/1/11...hihi (ok, ni xde kaitan :P)
tht's few events happens tis days in my life...brg sume cam malas nak pack..(next week br start ,Daud2011) n tomorrow gonna hv my very last event dgn ckgu2 kelapa sawit day kat TG SEDILI... korg pnh dgr?? xpnh kan...nnt i upload k...!! btw b4 tht i'll upload gambar masa a week of diwali's hollies ye..sgt best!! ktorg g mana??? tguuuuu..... hahaha