
Thursday, 28 July 2011

Hari jumaat yang INDAH!

Hari ini hari jumaat..bit dissapointed malaysia kalah lawan singapor mlm td.emo jap aku kat fb mlm td..haha mn x nya dari lawan kt tpt diorg smp la ni dok main tipu..sape x tension weh..ak pnh gak mat h netball xde smp nak belakon bagai! damn u!

ok, this is the second day my blog aka my diary was build.eager tul nak tulis ari2 kan..byk sgt event happen in my life.yela kata pun cikgu kan..lotsa of things tht we can gain...klo x dari students, dari pentadbir, klo x pun gosip2 among ourself.but one thing the good about being a teacher is that I get to socialize with older people.how to handle n communicate with them...skrg bl dgn org2 tua pndai la sket2 aku main politik...haha

actually the thing tht i m very eager to tell y'all ni abt yesterday event.hari karnival keusahawanan kat sekola aku.bkn aku nak citer psal jual bli tu sume but i went to meet up with a group of health product person.xpayah la mention company tu..they were officially invkted by a teacher there, k.intan.klo korg dr sekola ni tau la sape k.intan ni.so, dok borak kat gerai2 kt bwh tu k.intan ni dtg."g la masuk dlm klo nak check sakit ape2 ke...byr seikhlas hati je.." so, mmg tht kepala aku serusly berpusing n trus masuk ke dwn tu hulur tgn n dia pun check sakit melalui palm kita.so, disinila tersenarainya penyakit aku beserta ubat2(lg byk dr sakit) ak kn ambil. 1) angin cos ada bintik2 putih kat tapak tgn 2) kurang air mata merah which i wore lense tht time n kn aircond 3) satu nama penyakit x ingat pedia ckp cos hjg jari cam ada gelembung2 4) plg aku xlh terima hakikat even pas bgn pagi ni hormon perempuan kurang/takde. EFFECT? i susah dpt anak..blh taaakk camtu? dia ckp sabit putih kat ibu jari aku xnampak which aku rs cam nampak je.sedihhh wooo..kluar bilik tu dgn muka down aku g jmp k.lat another teacher.dia da kawen n de 2 org anak.tgk jari dia n none! xde langsung sabit putih kat ibu mahupun anak2 jari dia...tp anak da 2.. kuasa tuhan kan...

so, moral of the story, dont take serious psl tilik menilik ni..semua bnd2 ni kuasa tuhan..maybe kita rasa bersedia but He feels the other way.mmg ramai member2 n junior2 aku da kawin awl dr ak da dapat rezeki tu.yg penting usaha! macam mana? tu pn masalah gak ni.demi mendapatkan mu wahai anak. baru ku fahami pengorbananseorg ayah n ibu...

ok sekian saja tazkirah utk ari jumaat yg berbahagia ini...heee sori xde pic menghiasi post kali ini sbb dok tulih via ipad..dok tau kawe nak tampal gambor...huhu

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