Thursday, 28 July 2011
Phew..after 25 years old...baru terbukak hati n terfikir "I should've something for my generations." Besides, I also want to have someone to share.*mmg ada dak daud along with me* but u know guys...diorg ni dgr telinga kiri masuk telinga kanan je...tu yg maleh den nak ckp kat dia ni...
SO, sori la kalau in this blog, i keep on mumbling yg ntahape2...lagipun aku tau, aku bukan famous sgt n skillfully korg nak follow my blog pun...tht's y i remove the follower button... :( nnt dok lama tulih dgn harapan somebody will follow me, tgk kat follower button, NONE.x ke sakit hati nama nya tu. It's better for me to write something just for myself selagi hayat di kandung badan...nnt kot2 da xde/tua, leh belek2 baca balik blog ni...even time tu blogger like an outdated fashion trend...
nothing else just that i'm a normal secondary teacher teaching in *mst korg x caya nama sekola aku ni* SMK KELAPA SAWIT...kelakar kan...kenapa kelapa sawit? sbb pekan dia pn nama kelapa sawit...korg mst igt sgt rural tpt ngajor aku ni kan...mcm 1st time i got to knw i got posted here...tp jgn main2 se'hulu2' tpt aku ni, maybank, alliance, bsn, petronas, dll dpn bijik mata je tau..xdela besau sgt...tp ok la...but 1 thing, sekola aku ni pnh masuk paper tau..sekola ko ada? haha
Enuff with the school...adoi! Actually aku bkn nak sgt jadi cikgu..mst ada org keji aku buat statement camni...korg mst ckp, sbb kan aku bdk2 sekola makin nakal la etc. n coz of me thousands yg tanam anggur nak jdk cikgu xdpt...yeah rite, i admit my mistakes...mmg slh aku..korg doakan lg 5 thn pas kontrak aku ngn kpm (again, aku akan di keji) i will quit! hahaha nak jadi ape? jeng..jeng..jeng...
So after this korg akan dgr my other side of me being a teacher...*but still i do not hate this job*. Like wht i mentioned just now, i've no other skills compared than other person..memasak bkn reti sgt, melukis ape tah lagi, haiiihh nak jadi ape la ko ni Nadia?? heee
Tu la surprise tol ape aku nak jadi in future kan? well, let's just wait n c coz i, myself no idea what i want to be! ok, tu je utk 1st entry! babai, hope malaysia menang lawan singapore mlm ni....
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