
Saturday, 30 July 2011

Virus terkini!


i just got a news if u have any child yg continuously coughing n flu, better go to hospital for checkups...baru dpt news dr misi (ank buah daud) mentioned tht there was case recently tht bring to death! nama yg diberi "batuk kokol". i'm not sure tis the right spelling or not. tapi sebutan cam lbh kurang la...hikhik..ok2 serious2!

bnd ni da jadik gosip terhangat area seromban n kwsn sekitarnya. One thing i dont like boutour policy, hidden any bad news from the public..FOR WHAT? effect pada economy etc..mmg la btl but we have the right to know right?

Cam anak buah aku aishah, batut smp la ni x baik2...g klinik, doc bg ubt batuk je...uish! takut tul aku.harus bgtau akk ipau aku ni...

k, lah, i baru balik kenduri belah daud...penat...wecontinue later i nak story bout my nephews n nieces! rindu mereka!si kembau hazim&haziq, nabila, n aishah...

k, gudnite Malaysia! sok nak g bli brg2 last b4 pose! muakhs!

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